Configuring Content Type Hub

Hi all,

Today I will provide the steps to configure Content type hub in your SharePoint.

As we know that the scope of a normal Content Type is the Sites and its sub sites, you can’t use same custom content types in multiple site collections or across you entire farm different web applications. To solve this problem we use Content type hub, we create a content type hub that contains reusable content types that can be used in multiple web applications and different site collections in entire farm.To create a content type hub follow below steps -

Create a New Web application lets call it http://contenttypehub:1001 (you can use an existing web application but it is recommended to use a different web application for the content type hub)

Create a Site Collection on this web application let the url will be http://contenttypehub:1001  (you can use an existing Site collection but it is recommended to use a different Site Collection for the content type hub)

Create new site content types that you want to use through out the farm on new site collection

Go to Site Settings.

Select Site Content Types under Web Designer Galleries
Click on Create to create a new content type.
Create a Content type of as per your requirement that you want to use in entire Farm
Go to Application Settings in Central Administration
Go to Manage Service Applications under Service Applications
Select Managed Metadata Service and Click on properties
Provide URL of the Site collection that we created recently
Now Select Managed Metadata Service Connection application and click on properties
Check "Consumes content types from the content type gallery at "ur site collection url"
Now Go to your content type settings that you want to use through out the farm in new site collection
Select "Manage Publishing for this content type" and select publish option for each and every content type that will be used throughout the farm
Now go back to Central Administration
Go to Monitoring
Go to Review Job definations.
Look for "Content type Hub" and "Content Type subscriber" (For your web application where you want above content types) and schedule them as per your requirement. and run these jobs
now all the above content types will be available for all the sites and site collections of the web application for which you run the "Content Type Subscriber" Job

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